Welcome To The Empowerment Palace
Prayer Room.

Be A Part of Something Special
Monthly Corporate Prayer
5:30 a.m.
Dial: 1.518.318.5198
- March 24th
- April 21st
- May 19th
Prayer Tip:
Talk to God with your heart, don't worry about how it sounds, or is it right or wrong. It's better to talk openly and express your thoughts to Him. Speaking to God with an open heart will bring light to any darkness.
Are you ready to Pray?

Do You need prayer?
Erica Jett have committed to prayer every morning at 6am. The Palace have a Prayer Wall and if you want to add names just submit information below.
- We are never alone, even when we might feel like it. everyone needs prayers.
- If you would like to have special prayer enter our Prayer box with a prayer request, we will pray.
- Do you have a praise report you would like to share with us. We would love to hear what God is doing in your life.